Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Pics of the New Vista Online

Hi All,

There's been some changes at the old home place. Take the tour at:



Sunday, October 19, 2008

Uploading your VDM pics - temporary

To upload pics to web:
1 - Goto:
2 - Read the page and then click the 'Get Started with Picasa Web Albums' button
3 - Sign in or create a free Google account and download the free software
4. - Open the software and drag pics from your local hard drive to post to your album.
5. Then, most important - when you view the album a link like -

will be listed. Copy and Post this entire link to 'Comments' at our bLog at:

so all can see and we can begin organizing pics.

This will be your own photo album - later we'll have one big VDM photo album at Picasa.

Mike S -

Great to hear from you guys today - the energy is rising - Mike S. even has a Site Plan of Old Vista showing cottages, the field, the Lodge and all! - so far Cottage 33 still Rules !!

but PLEASE don't send me stuff! Especially attachments, photos and media. I can't keep it or store it on my servers. In some cases, there are so many weird filetypes out there, I can't even open it.

I want to see it - and so do we all - but please don't send it - post it.

For now, until we get organized, tell the bLog what you've got and hold it, if you can, store your pix online to our bLog with Picasa, or use the free Kodak Media Catalogue or other and post the URL here on our bLog.

That way we can all see it - not just me.

We need to start using the bLog to see how/if everyone handles it.
Also, I'm hoping to see if we can set up a conversational network for all of us,
rather than just a dialogue with me.

Let me know what you all think.
