Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Pics of the New Vista Online

Hi All,

There's been some changes at the old home place. Take the tour at:




Anonymous said...

Cute doogie Vince.Is it a he or a she? How long have you had it? I don't have any pets at the moment.
I did have a desert tortoise for 7 years, Horace The Tortoise, but he got out of the yard last summer and that's the last I've seen of him. :(
I really would like to hear from everyone. Please get on the blog and say something about yourself. I'd love to know where everyone is and what you're all doing.
Love, Kim

vc said...

Barkley is 3-4 years old. I inherited him from my daughter when she had to move. He's a lot of fun.
Maybe Horace will show up some day.

Do you think the alumni will pick up on this bLog enough to participate or is there no real interest? I know there are plenty of old Vista/Maloff/Milt stories out there as well as who we are and what we do now stories.

Let's hear them!


Anonymous said...

Dear Friends,
In all the years since I left Vista Del Mar I never returned until one day about, oh, maybe 8 years ago. I anticipated my mind flooding memories of my youth and feeling overwhelmed with nostalgia. I didn't get out of the car, just drove slowly around looking at what was left of the VDM I once knew, amazed and sad to see it has become another place entirely.
What do you think of when you see the grounds today?

vc said...

I was in contact w/ Melinda for a while about 10 years ago. I know that Mel and Andy are still in touch w/ Ed Vishkoff. I'd also like to hear from other 33'ers.

The Vista of today is a
much different kind of place. But then it has been 50 years! Keep those thoughts and comments coming - it will take a while for others to get on board and realize that our bLog is not just about Cottage 33 and will not thrive without new input, ideas and updates from everyone. - Vince

Anonymous said...

I attended the Davis Memorial planning committee meeting yesterday. The date has been set for Sunday, Nov. 23 from 2 to 5 pm at UCLA. The exact location to be determined next week. The committee will be talking with Yvonne and the family about speakers, having Milt's favorite foods along with pics. The committee wil probably print up invitations to send out and so we will probably ask for you mailing address or perhaps you e-mail address. I have some pics of Milt on a DVD and will try and transfer them to a PICASA site... or here. The committee is expecting 250+ people to show up. de Ram #31

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone, my name is Marty Sark, I lieved in cottage 32, for six years. Everyone knows I was married to Annette Marder, who lived in cottage 32 and 36. Used to cook all the time at the alumni bar-be-que, along with other kids from vista. Now retired from the high rise buildings,still belong to the carpenters 1506 union.

Unknown said...

What a great idea, Vince. You probably remember my brother Maury Grosberg. He's married with four children, is a member of a Lubevich congregation in Melbourne, Australia. Unfortunately, he is not on line. But I know he'd love to hear from folks. If you'd like to write him, let me know and I'll email you his address. He was in the Navy and served in Vietnam and has, unfortunately, some lingering effects from Agent Orange.


Mike said...

Some pics - enjoy

Mike said...

Who are the boys in the baby bottle drinking contest?

Who is at the board meeting that you recognize besides, Mort Green, Mike Silver, Willy Zwirn?

Mike S

Mike said...

In the alumni meeting picture, it is not Annette Marder/Sark but Harriet Wasserman with her husband Art sitting across the table from her and next to Milt.